Friday, May 4, 2012

Fat, Sugar and Salt is considered to be a drug.

In my recent blogs I wrote about the CAFO system and the way the animals are being raised; now it is time to figure out what is in the meat or any other food product that is causing us to crave for it so much. In Dr. David Kessler’s The End of Overeating, he did research on the new American diet and what is causing them to eat even if they are not hungry. Research shows that excessive amount of fat, sugar and salt is being processed into food product to increase the profit and taste. The food that is now process to suit the taste of consumers is also causing them to suffer from various diseases such as cancer, diabetes, stroke and heart diseases. Obesity that was once rear in American during the 1800’s is now affecting more than half of the American population. According to Dr. Kessler research and other doctors across the country they believe that the excessive amount of fat, sugar and salt triggers the brain and causing the people to be addictive to the food. This is important because we should know that our stomach is not controlling what we eat anymore it is our brain and the main reason is that the combination of fat, sugar and salt creates a chemical reaction similar to cocaine and marijuana that make the food we eat addictive.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jag my name is Mamadou Diallo, I am a student from professor Cooper classe ENG 101. I was reading your Blog "Fat, Sugar and Salt" and I really enjoyed it. You have some very good information here. It was very interesting reading your blog. However there is some error that you need to revise here. In the sentence when you was talked about when Dr. Kessler and other doctors in America did a research. I think it will more understandable if you had mentioned or gave one or two name of the the other doctors you mentioned here. Beside that I think you did a very good job. Your last sentence was very powerful too. I think the way you gave the example of the similarity between the food and the illegal drugs.
