Monday, April 2, 2012

Behind the Curtains of Meat Production.

             The video From Farms to Fridge shows the inhumane act of the meat production industries in the United States. Slaughter houses are large factories that are equipped to rise at least couple billions of animals that we eat. Pigs, poultries, and cattle are tortured from birth till death or at the right time to be produced into food.

                In the slaughter house pregnant pigs are locked in separate cages until delivery. The piglet

tails are choped off and are monitored by growth. If the piglets are slow growers they are killed in

various ways such as electrocution or they are bang on the ground until death. The adult pigs are taken

 to the slaughter house and are slaughter by workers desperate for a job.

                 From the video poultries are raised by thousands in confined, filthy sheds and are denied

their natural behaviors to roam freely and exposed to fresh air. The beaks of females chicks are

trimmed by hot blades or razor while male chicks are killed because of slow growth and also because

they don’t lay eggs. Birds are usually killed and lined assembly on large machines while taken to the

meat production compartment.
              Besides pigs and poultries, cattle are also raised in so-called slaughter houses. Similar to

pigs, cows also get their tails cut out at birth. In the slaughter house cows are usually skinned alive

, their legs are pulled apart from the body, the remain of the body is then cut in half and are later

made into various types of food as shown in the video.               

              All animals in the slaughter house are raise in confined areas and are look upon as objects.
 They are all denied their natural rights and are forced to adapt to the new
environment where they are tortured daily. Is this what we want from our food? Questions are
being asked and what we need to do as consumers is to be considerate about ourselves and the
living things around us.